Fine art and conceptual Photographer creating both still and moving image.

In my spare time I'm a keen half marathon runner when it suits and a stripy t-shirt connoisseur. 

Based in Worcester/Falmouth 

The objective of my projects is to discover the way in which people read an image. Whilst exploring my dyslexia in a visual way, allowing the audience to experience a moment in my mind. 


'Brik' Group Exhibition
Freerange The Old Truman brewery London. June 2017 

'Preview' Group Exhibition.
Falmouth Institute of Photography .October 2016

'Brik'. Group Exhibition.
The poly at Falmouth. May 2016.

'Falmouth Symposium'. Group Exhibition.
Falmouth Institute of Photography. February 2015

'A Space Within & Other Stories'. Group Exhibition.
Falmouth Institute of Photography. December 2014

.'This is us : The Society'. Group Exhibition.
Falmouth Institute of Photography. November 2014

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